Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2016

Asia's super-rich choose New Zealand as a place to "shelter"

According to the OECD report, New Zealand has an area twice the size of England, but the population is not 1/10, rank high in the list of most liveable places in the world; New Zealand was among the top 10 countries with democracy, peace, less corruption and the level of satisfaction with the high life.
Hong Kong's financial expert Michael Nock chose New Zealand as a safe haven to escape the global financial crisis in 2008.

In the past 7 years, the terrorist threat as in Europe, the political instability from the UK, US and immigrant wave has helped New Zealand became the destination - heaven safe haven of super-rich globally.

The distant and isolated from the outside world is what makes New Zealand each harder to integrate into the global economy, but now it has become the country's advantage, while attracting a large number of billionaires in live. Typically the pioneers established hedge funds Robertsong Julian, Hollywood director James Cameron, Russian billionaire Alexander Abramov steel, billionaire Peter Thiel backed Facebook and Fidelity National Financial Inc. Chairman Bill Foley ...

According to the OECD report, New Zealand has an area twice the size of England, but the population is not 1/10, rank high in the list of most liveable places in the world; New Zealand was among the top 10 countries with democracy, peace, less corruption and the level of satisfaction with the high life.

The World Bank (WB) on the business environment (Doing Business 2017) evaluated, with the economy worth 250 billion NZD ($ 180 billion) contributed mainly from tourism and agriculture, New Zealand recently took via Singapore to become the best country in the world to operate the business.

At the same time, this is the national runner-up in the countries of Southeast Asia to the foreign experts to live and do business, according to a survey by HSBC in May 9/2016.

To appeal the immigration wave of super-rich, home prices in New Zealand rose 12.7% in the year to March 10/2016 and average house prices in major cities such as Auckland has nearly doubled since 2007. house prices in Queenstown - town international airport has more than doubled the growth rate in Auckland.

Recently, the Chinese billionaire started becoming the focal point of the new wave of immigration to New Zealand. May 4/2016, Jack Ma - the founder of Alibaba had discussions with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on whether he wants to buy an apartment here. So far, at least 20 Chinese billionaires have owned real estate in New Zealand.

One of the main reasons why New Zealand has a special attraction for the billionaires that is political stability. In 17 years, this country just changed the head two times and the last time the signs of conflict are from the previous generation in 1985.

In the context of political instability, from the UK to leave the European Union for the next race location between the two US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, in New Zealand's stability becomes a factor most attractive for global citizenship.

Proof, on 23/6, when England decided to leave to vote the European Union, New Zealand has received 998 applications from citizens immigration countries, compared with 109 shares on the day before quit votes, according to figures from the Department of Immigration New Zealand. Reportedly, the number of immigration applications then quickly climbed to 10 647 shares in the 49 days of 23/6, more than double the same period in 2015.

New Zealand were quick to take advantage of the influx of the rich to attract investment. With 10 million NZD investments in local assets or investment fund within 3 years, immigrants will qualify for at least 44 days of residence in New Zealand in the last 2 years. Investors do not need to speak English or live a certain time period in New Zealand later on.

According to government figures, since this program is applied six years ago, there were 121 investor visa eligibility entitled "Investor Plus" and more than 800 investors eligible residents minimum investment requirements NZD 1.5 million in 4 years.

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